Learn how the top companies protect their teams from this coronavirus and flu season.
Companies around the world are taking quick measures to protect their workers during the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), especially because its spread has been so dramatic.
Employers now encourage remote work, allowing their teams the freedom to complete their tasks outside of the office.
They are also cancelling conferences and preparing contingency planning for their US offices.
Twitter and Square
Leaders “strongly encourage” their employees to work from home whenever possible.
Google recommends that *all* its North American employees work at home.
Globally, employee travel plans have been curtailed.
All these steps can be taken by your company to protect your team. But they are not the only factors to consider.
We’ll expand upon them and add to the list our own points:
#1. Don’t Panic
As a leader, it’s crucial to stay calm and in control. Remember that rational decision-making is never made in a state of high emotions.
Relax. Relax.
#2. Create a plan and communicate it clearly to your team
Create a plan to instill confidence and put safety first. This should include policies covering employee sick days, distance working, office hygiene standards, etc.
Be sure to let everyone know what is expected of them during this time. Reach out to people via email, Slack or text message.
#3. Promote higher hygiene standards
Everyone should be aware of the importance and use of hand sanitizers.
You can suggest that employees clean their computers and other common areas more often. Try adding more antibacterial stations to the office.
#4. Encourage employees to stay home if they are sick
Infections can spread even before employees show symptoms or signs. Encourage team members to stay at home if they feel sick. This is for their own health and the health of others.
#5. Limit non-essential travel and in-office meetings
#6. Switch to remote work or allow requests for remote work
During this time, it is important to encourage and not discourage the work at home.
You may be able prevent germs from spreading and interacting between departments by preventing employees from mixing in the office.
You will also protect the mental health of your team. Employees can be productive without stressing out about missing work, or having to commute by mass transit.
By switching to remote work, you can make the most of a bad situation. It could also keep everyone safe.
It’s for this reason that the top companies help businesses to make the transition easier during these difficult times.
Here are the best offers for your team to help them transition to remote working:
Virtual Meeting Tools Discounts
You can also stay in touch with your team, without having to meet up in person. Meetings will still feel like you are all in the same room, even though you’re in different locations.
Zoom’s team also closely monitors their servers to ensure they can handle the influx without lagging.
- Microsoft. A part of Microsoft Teams chat app? If you already have the free version of this app, you’ll get a complimentary upgrade to their premium version. This allows you to record your meetings, and offers up to 1TB storage.
- Google. Google is upgrading its Hangouts Meet enterprise version to its free users. If you have a G Suite account or G Suite for Education, you can join a virtual meeting with up to 250 other people. You can record these meetings, and livestream them up to 100,000 people.
- Cisco. Cisco has lifted the time restrictions for its free Webex service. These unlimited meetings are open to up to 100 participants and anyone can dial in using a toll free number. This service is available to anyone, regardless of whether they are a Cisco customer.
Hunter Walk said earlier that it has never been easier to move in-person meetings into the virtual world. These services let you connect and conduct business as usual off-site.
These free guides will help you to relax and reduce your stress if you’re worried about moving your crew to remote working.
Free Remote Working Training Guides
The Workplaceless has also produced a free guide for preparing remote work in an emergency. You’ll also find a sustainable roadmap, an emergency workday module and a company preparedness assessment.
Keep checking or our tweet to stay up-to-date with remote resources.
Can your business make the switch to a temporary remote working environment without spending much time, effort or money?
In a future article, we’ll cover the topic in greater detail. Stay tuned!
- Create a solid plan to help you transition. This should include collaboration between your teams/departments to ensure you’re on the same page.
- Create an remote working policy that outlines who is allowed to work from home and when, privacy and security concerns, communication expectations, performance metrics and more.
- Investing in remote working tools and software will help you keep your team and projects organized. These are good to start with because they offer premium access in most cases.
- Keep in touch with your team. Keep everyone informed as they adjust to remote working. Real-time feedback, questions, and concerns will help employees feel less isolated.
You don’t need much to protect your business and team.
At the very least, take a page from the top businesses’ playbook: minimize travel to affected areas and promote a work-from-home-in-the-meantime strategy.
Allowing employees to work remotely temporarily will improve productivity and reduce anxiety. Plus, there’s no better time to try out virtual meeting software and tools for remote work.
Remote work can help your company stay on track during times of turbulence, such as when there are viral outbreaks or bad weather.
Subscribe to our newsletter and you won’t be able to miss our next article about how to turn your company into a temporary remotely-based company.